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 Oggetto del messaggio: MotoGP penalty points list
MessaggioInviato: mar 13 gen, 2015 11:20 am 
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Colonnello Bernacchia
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Iscritto il: gio 09 set, 2004 11:36 am
Messaggi: 25704
Località: Colline di FI
Qui sotto la lista dei "cattivi" che nel 2015 si porteranno dietro punti di penalità accumulati nel 2014:


http://www.crash.net/motogp/news/212928 ... -list.html

The riders carrying penalty points into the 2015 MotoGP season.

MotoGP penalty points are no longer erased at the end of each season, but instead remain in place for one calendar year.

With that in mind, these are the MotoGP riders that will start the 2015 season with at least one penalty point against their name.

Race Direction can impose between 1 and 10 points for each infringement. Points accumulate with automatic sanctions kicking in once a rider reaches 4 points (start next race from last place), 7 points (start next race from pit lane) and 10 points (disqualification from next race).

Penalty points are in no way linked to a riders' championship points.

Additional punishments available to Race Direction include fines, ride through, grid or time penalties, suspension, disqualification or exclusion...

2015 MotoGP riders with penalty points
Andrea Iannone: 2 points
1 point - “Irresponsible riding” / 17-05-2014 (Le Mans Q2)
1 point - “Irresponsible riding” / 19-10-2014 (Phillip Island Race)
Jack Miller: 2 points
2 points - “Irresponsible riding” / 01-06-2014 (Mugello Moto3 Race)
Mike di Meglio: 1 point
1 point - “Riding slowly on racing line” / 02-05-2014 (Jerez FP3)
Hiroshi Aoyama*: 1 point
1 point - “Action prejudicial to the interests of the sport” / 11-10-2014 (Motegi FP3)
Aleix Espargaro: 1 point
1 point - “Irresponsible riding” / 12-10-2014 (Motegi Race)
Bradley Smith: 1 point
1 point - “Passing another rider whilst yellow flags were being displayed” / 19-10-2014 (Phillip Island Race)
Stefan Bradl: 1 point
1 point - “Irresponsible riding” / 19-10-2014 (Phillip Island Race)
*Aoyama will be a Honda test rider in 2015, but may also participate in some wild-card rides.



 Oggetto del messaggio: Re: MotoGP penalty points list
MessaggioInviato: mar 13 gen, 2015 8:39 pm 
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Iscritto il: sab 16 ott, 2004 9:13 pm
Messaggi: 7372
Località: Il giardino dei fagioli
Fiuuuuuu... :angelo:

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