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MessaggioInviato: lun 28 nov, 2005 9:19 pm 
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Iscritto il: lun 30 ago, 2004 12:43 am
Messaggi: 7071

Entro il 2010 saranno completati numerosi interventi nell'area che ospita il celebre circuito.

Andrew Nicholls, general manager del Linfox Property Group, ha presentato un progetto di sviluppo dell’area che ospita il circuito di Phillip Island. Mike Doohan, Greg Norman e Mark Shaife sono stati nominati per l'occasione ambasciatori della pista australiana.

Gli interventi di riqualificazione, che costeranno complessivamente circa 300 milioni di dollari, saranno ultimati entro il 2010 ma non comporteranno la modifica dello storico tracciato con vista sul Mar di Tasmania. Saranno realizzate una serie di infrastrutture, ampliati alcuni edifici e migliorata la sala stampa. Inoltre saranno anche realizzati una pista per i kart e un campo da golf.

[28/11/2005] A cura di
Redazione Motopress


da crash.net

The development plans for Phillip Island.

Home of the Australian MotoGP, Phillip Island, is to undergo some dramatic redevelopment aimed at turning the destination into a world class sporting venue and it will get a new pit complex and a Greg Norman-designed golf course as part of the redevelopment.

The plans, which amount to some $300 million (AUS) include a major upgrade and extension to the pit building and race control and media centre, a 722 metre go-kart track in a replica form of the circuit, an 18 hole Greg Norman designed cliff top golf course, and a 1175 room five star luxury hotel.

Greg Norman takes a swing at the 18th hole for the new Phillip Island golf course in front of Mick Doohan and Mark Skaife.

The circuit was purchased by the Linfox Property Group mid-way through 2004 and $3million (AUS) has already been spent ungrading facilities.

"Our vision is to create a world class sporting, tourism and conference venue that complements the environment and showcases and preserves the spectacular scenery and landscape of Phillip Island," explained Linfox's general manager, Andrew Nicholls.

"Phillip Island is an international track loved by bike riders and drivers the world over, but the facilities that surround the 4.45km line of intensely challenging bitumen are quickly becoming quaint.

"We need to develop the income sources of the circuit and secure its financial future. Our plan provides the facilities needed to maintain and grow the Circuit, introduces highly lucrative golf, business and resort opportunities and provides new income flows, new audiences and a venue for year round pursuits and year round enjoyment."

Present at the launch was motorcycle legend Mick Doohan who welcomed the developments.

"Nothing beats the thrill of Lukey Heights, Southern Loop or Siberia or clocking 300k's plus going down the main straight, but what makes it extra special is the outlook, the location and the views to the pounding blue ocean," praised Doohan.

"But the time has more than come for a massive revamp of this place. The pit garages are designed for racing a decade ago, and technology has changed so rapidly that we need vastly improved facilities, more space and a big upgrade to the communication network."

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MessaggioInviato: lun 28 nov, 2005 9:36 pm 
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